Shawn Neely kicks cousin’s door down, punches her in face during altercation

28-year-old Shawn Neely had a domestic altercation with his cousin, Brooke Livesay, at their residence on July 15th. Livesay called officers back to the location following a related incident where she was assaulted but declined prosecution. Livesay stated after the police left, she walked around the block. Then, when she returned to the house, Shawn was in the kitchen. After seeing Shawn, Livesay went to her room and locked the door. Livesay said Shawn started banging on her door, telling her he had stuff in the room. When Livesay refused to open the door, he busted the door down. Shawn then punched Livesay in the mouth, leaving swelling and bruising on her lips. She then explained that Shawn pushed her into a corner cabinet hanging from her wall. By doing so, Shawn broke it and left a visible injury on her forehead. Livesay also stated Shawn destroyed a lamp, a keyboard, and a mouse, totaling around $150 in damages.
Shawn’s mom, Donna Neely, told officers she saw him kick the door down and enter the room. Donna added that Livesay came out of the room and hit Shawn, to which he responded by attacking her. After several attempts, officers could not reach Shawn. They deemed him the primary aggressor and obtained a warrant for his arrest. Shawn Neely was later taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism on July 26th.