Chreasia Faust resists arrest after caught scamming people by selling candy bars

18-year-old Chreasia Saren Leona Faust and a group of minors, including her 13-year-old brother, were harassing people and stealing their money by selling candy bars near the 11th Avenue South and Pine Street intersection on June 6th. Investigators discovered that they had a fraudulent school flyer and were trying to convince people to buy candy from them. After detaining them, officers found Faust had over $200 in her backpack and pants pocket. Additionally, she had a box of Peanut M&Ms with some missing. Then, Faust became resistive, pushing and pulling her arms away until officers could handcuff her. Faust also threatened to spit on officers as they arrested her. Faust was cited for the occurrence that day. Faust was then booked on the citation of criminal impersonation, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and resisting arrest on June 25th.