Christina Gill smears food on ground while stumbling around Nashville International Airport Garage

28-year-old Christina Gill was observed stumbling, looking for her car in Terminal Garage 1 of Nashville International Airport on August 17th. After noticing this, the janitorial staff flagged officers down and advised them of the situation. Officers conducted a welfare check and located Gill, during which they determined that she appeared to be under the influence of some sort of drug. When they arrived, Gill was slumped over her luggage, digging through her bag. Officers asked Gill what she was doing, to which she responded, “I’m looking for my car so I can go home.” During their interaction, Gill displayed slurred speech. However, she told police that she was fine and had no injuries, medical conditions, or any other reason for her behavior. Gill then consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. While Gill attempted to gather her belongings, she spilled her food on the floor. Instead of picking up her food, Gill smeared it on the ground and nearly fell over. Gill was then deemed a danger to herself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.