Cody Duffy jailed after sharing nude photos of his ex-girlfriend, pretending to be her online

32-year-old Cody Duffy shared intimate photos of his ex-girlfriend on social media platforms, particularly Reddit and Bumble, without her consent on October 1st, 2023. On February 18th, 2024, she reported the occurrence, advising officers that she and Duffy had ended their relationship. Because of this, Duffy gained access to her social media without permission and shared inappropriate pictures. Duffy did this by posing as her, requesting sex, and sharing her phone number. Then, after she told numerous people that the account was not hers and had them removed, she tried to talk with Duffy. During their conversation, he sent her one of her nude photos from one of her social media accounts that she never showed him. A warrant was issued for his arrest on May 1st, 2024. Duffy was taken into custody for unlawful exposure on May 22nd, 2024.