Nashville man charged for punching mother twice in the face and bringing cocaine to jail

21-year-old Jemini Lyons was charged with domestic assault and contraband in a penal institution after his mother reported to police that he punched her in the face twice. While being searched during booking, officers discovered cocaine on his person.

Metro employee sneaks cocaine into jail after DUI arrest

42-year-old Lorenzo Barr was charged with DUI, implied consent, and contraband inside a penal system after police conducted a traffic stop because he ran a red light and nearly hit another driver.

Man receives multiple charges after parking illegally outside State Supreme Court

25-year-old Brandon Morton was charged with resisting arrest, vandalism, and contraband in a penal system after law enforcement attempted to have him relocate his vehicle after parking illegally outside the State Supreme Court.

Man brings over half-ounce of crystal meth into jail in ‘puffy jacket’ after domestic assault arrest

John Larson, 34, was charged with domestic assault and bringing contraband in a penal institution after he fought with his ex-girlfriend and brought 18.2 grams of methamphetamine into the Metro Nashville Jail during his arrest.