Mahmoud Hammad assaults brother during altercation at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

37-year-old Mahmoud Hammad was involved in a domestic altercation with his brother, Tareq Hammad, at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar on Broadway on August 18th. There was a fight inside the bar, and when officers arrived, they spoke with Mahmoud. While speaking with Mahmoud, he put his hands on his brother Tareq and pushed him, almost knocking him down. Based on the physical assault, Mahmoud was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

Keagan Hicks, 20, charged with underage drinking

20-year-old Keagan Hicks was involved in a verbal domestic dispute on June 23rd. While officers investigated this, Hicks refused to give them his ID. During their interaction, they noticed he showed signs of impairment. Keagan Hicks eventually admitted to drinking and being underage, so he was taken into custody and charged with underage alcohol consumption.

Gregory Middleton resists arrest after not paying his tab at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk

46-year-old Gregory Middleton could not pay his tab at Kid Rock’s Bar in the early hours of April 26th. Officers were flagged down and advised of the situation. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the staff, who stated the patron, later identified as Middleton, had an outstanding tab of $201.18, and his card kept declining. Middleton told them he had another card in his wallet, which was in his vehicle, so officers escorted him there. Then, he said his name was “Patrick Garvis,” despite the credit card he tried using at the bar having the name “Paul E. Valente” on it. Officers also noticed his vehicle was registered to a “Gregory Middleton.” He could not find his wallet, so he entered the driver’s seat and started the car as if he were leaving. Officers talked him into getting out of the car and walked him back to the bar.

At the bar, Middleton stated he could pay using Apple Pay, but his phone was dead. The bar employees stated the business did not accept Apple Pay as a form of payment. Middleton could not cover his tab, could not order a way home, and was too intoxicated to drive or be alone, so officers detained him. As Middleton was detained, officers located 1.1 grams of marijuana in a yellow bag in his pocket. While trying to arrest him, he stiffened his arms and tried to push his body backward toward officers until they placed him into their patrol car. Then, Middleton refused to give officers his name or social security number, and they could not verify his identity with the names he provided. Middleton was taken into custody for theft of service, resisting arrest, and simple possession. Officers later discovered his name was Gregory Middleton.

DUI: Joshua Martin nearly hits two pedestrians after drinking “two beers” before driving

35-year-old Joshua Henry Martin drove through a red light and almost struck two pedestrians near the 3rd Avenue North and Broadway intersection in the early hours of March 24th. An APS Security employee, William Fenton, observed this, demanded Martin to stop, and notified officers. Officers told Martin to turn off and exit his vehicle when they arrived. Officers then asked if he had been drinking, to which Martin admitted to having “two beers,” adding he was on his way home. He consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and then refused to provide a sample after being explained implied consent. Martin was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

Alabama Tourist Carson Willingham resists arrest during fight involving multiple men on Broadway

22-year-old Alabama tourist Carson Daniel Willingham was one of numerous males observed fighting on the ground near Rep. John Lewis Way South and Broadway around 2:30 a.m. on March 17th. When officers arrived, they tried to detain Willingham but became resistive, disregarding their commands to stop. Willingham was taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Manus Okeefe presents woman’s ID at Jason Aldean’s

40-year-old Manus Joseph Hosea Okeefe caused a disturbance at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar in the early hours of March 9th. Security at the bar flagged officers down regarding the incident, advising them that they dragged Okeefe out of the establishment and that he was too intoxicated, aggressive, and not welcome back. When officers met with Okeefe, he reeked of alcohol. They requested his identification, and he gave them an unknown female’s ID. Okeefe became irate and uncooperative as he shouted at them, approaching aggressively. While they tried to detain him, he resisted, refusing to get in the back of the patrol car, so they had to force him into it. Okeefe was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and public intoxication.

Ethan Millican yells, acts aggressively towards officers on Broadway

24-year-old Ethan Millican was yelling at another individual on Broadway on the night of December 1st. Officers observed this and advised him to leave the area, but he continued to walk aggressively towards them, disregarding their commands. Millican was taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Scott Sanders charged with disorderly conduct after interfering with police investigation

23-year-old Scott Sanders interrupted officers as they investigated a separate incident at 2nd Ave. S on October 29th. Officers were dispatched for a call of service when Sanders began arguing with them and refused as they asked him to move away. Officers placed Sanders in custody due to interfering in an investigation and he attempted to walk up to officers again. Officers observed Sanders to be visibly intoxicated as he was continuously resistive while in custody. Sanders was arrested for disorderly conduct.

Arthur Jay Gann says he’s “rich and will sue the police” who arrested him in downtown Nashville

33-year-old Texas Tourist Arthur Jay Gann repeatedly told Metro Nashville Police he would sue the officer and the department because ‘I’m rich,” as they placed him in the back of a patrol car in downtown Nashville Friday evening. Gann had been detained by security at the Lucky Bastard Saloon after being disorderly inside the bar and threatening security staff and officers with violence. He was extremely intoxicated and was transported to booking, despite his wishes otherwise. 

Justin Wiseman jailed after selling $10 Nitrous Oxide balloons outside Phish Show

35-year-old Justin Wiseman was observed in the area of the Walk of Fame Park just outside the Phish concert in downtown Nashville this weekend. Officers described a sea of fifty to one hundred people who were all partaking in inhaling nitrous oxide via inflated balloons. Officers noted some were talkative; some were talking about how high they were; some were quiet, while others vomited. Wiseman admitted to selling balloons for $10 each and was arrested.