William Jarrell threatens Kroger security guard with hunting knife during altercation

57-year-old William Jarrell had an altercation with Courtney Phillips, Kroger security, in Kroger on May 7th. When officers arrived, they observed Jarrell standing on a metal rack. He showed his hands, complying with their demands, and was detained for the incident. Phillips told officers that staff called him to remove Jarrell from the establishment, and when he walked up to him, he brandished a knife. Jarrell then threatened Phillips and “made a movement” that placed him in fear of bodily injury. Multiple witnesses said Jarrell was standing on the rack, but they did not see him with a knife. Under Miranda, Jarrell told officers he did have the hunting knife in his hand when Phillips approached him, but he did not threaten him. Jarrell was taken into custody for aggravated assault.