Paz Trejo violates baby mama’s order of protection by repeatedly following her around

33-year-old Paz Wilkin Trejo violated an order of protection served to him on May 20th, 2024, that the mother of his child, Cynthia Lopez, had against him on August 6th. Lopez called officers to her Hamilton Creek apartment on Hamilton Church Road and told them she had noticed Trejo following her multiple times over the last few days. Lopez further explained that when she suspected Trejo of following her, she pulled into The Knights Inn parking lot and took a photo of him entering after. Lopez said that Trejo took pictures of her, her friend, and her friend’s license plate. Then, Lopez gave officers a list of dates she had seen him coming up behind her apartment. After this, while officers were heading to night court to obtain an arrest warrant for Trejo on Lopez’s behalf, they noticed Trejo sitting in his car in the Hamilton Creek Apartment parking lot. The police report stated Trejo had his mother dropping off his and Lopez’s child to Lopez. Then, officers detained Trejo for questioning, and, under Miranda, he told them he knew he was not supposed to be there but that he had no choice because he had to drop off their child. Trejo was arrested and taken into custody for an order of protection violation.