DUI: Aimable Musafiri crashes into multiple cars, resists arrest after drinking 2 beers

34-year-old Aimable Musafiri was involved in a three-car accident near Rice Road and Edge O Lake Drive on February 23rd. Officers arrived and spoke to all parties involved, during which Musafiri admitted to having two beers and taking flu medicine. Officers noticed Musafiri showing signs of intoxication before asking him to participate in sobriety tests. However, Musafiri told officers no and refused to take sobriety tests. Officers then attempted to detain Musafiri, to which he resisted, pushing away from officers. Once Musafiri was arrested and informed of implied consent, he declined to provide a breath sample. Musafiri was taken into custody for driving under the influence, implied consent, and resisting arrest.

Samuel Pearson assaults police officer with hammer

45-year-old Samuel Eugene Pearson swung a hammer at the residents of a Rock Creek Trace Drive home on January 29th. Officers arrived and tried to speak with Pearson, but he was uncooperative. He opened the door, saw the police officers, and tried to close the door quickly. Officer Worstall attempted to keep the door open when Pearson hit Worstall’s right index finger with a hammer. Pearson was taken into custody for the assault of an officer.

Jose Mendoza-Garcia booked for leaving tools in church parking lot

33-year-old Jorge Mendoza-Garcia, a construction worker, was trespassing at 9th Avenue North in the New Metropolitan Christian Missionary Baptist Church’s parking lot on November 14th. Pastor Johnny Grimes advised officers that Mendoza-Garcia left construction tools on their property and provided photos of him and the equipment. Grimes wished to prosecute, and Mendoza-Garcia was taken into custody for criminal trespassing on December 8th.