DUI: Dustin Arnett blocks roadway after drinking bottle of Jack Daniels, tells police “I’m going left”

45-year-old Dustin Arnett blocked the roadway with his vehicle near the Foster Avenue and Lutie Street intersection late May 19th. Upon arrival, deputies located Arnett in his car, shifting the gear shifter repeatedly. Officers asked Arnett what was going on, to which he replied, “I’m going left.” Arnett only had on one flip-flop as he exited his vehicle, stumbling and bracing himself against it for balance. During their interaction, Arnett had a hard time following directions. Then, he consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly before telling officers he wanted to “stop the test and leave.” Officers detained and Mirandized Arnett, where he advised them that he had two shots of whiskey four hours prior. Arnett added that he was coming from Nashville and heading to another bar called “Hollywood.” Arnett told officers his license was in his car. When officers searched for Arnett’s license, they instead found an almost empty bottle of Jack Daniels Bourbon. Arnett agreed to provide a chemical sample and was taken into custody for driving under the influence on May 20th.