Amanda Townsend rips multiple Ring cameras, bites fiancé during confrontation

32-year-old Amanda Townsend was involved in a domestic dispute with her fiancé, Dylan Muniz, at their Bonnacrest Drive residence on July 7th. Officers arrived and spoke with Townsend. Townsend stated that she got into a physical altercation with Muniz. Townsend also told officers that she sustained a swollen wrist and a scratch on her arm because of her fight with Muniz. When officers asked Townsend if Muniz was injured, she told them that she bit his finger because he put it in her mouth. Townsend added that Muniz trapped her inside a room but would not state how she escaped it. Officers later spoke with Muniz, who also said that he got into a physical altercation with Townsend. Muniz informed officers that Townsend was a recovering alcoholic, and he saw her drinking that night. Muniz stated that when he confronted her, an argument ensued. According to Muniz, Townsend ripped down multiple Ring cameras, hit him in the head, and then cracked his phone screen. Muniz provided officers with a video that depicted everything he said. Officers observed the cracked screen as well as his thumb, which was bruised with dried blood on it. When asked about his thumb, Muniz stated that while he and Townsend were in the car, he was trying to unbuckle their child. While he was doing so, Townsend bit his thumb. Due to the video evidence provided, Townsend was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism on July 8th.