Celebrity Barber Royce Robinson throws ex-girlfriend’s cat at wall, says he “wasn’t listening”

23-year-old Celebrity Barber Royce Robinson, owner of Rollz Royce Cutz, was taken into custody for vandalism and animal cruelty on May 1st. On April 27th, Emilee Mai Wagner told officers she returned to her ex-boyfriend Royce Robinson’s residence to gather her belongings after they broke up on April 20th. Robinson told Wagner that he had gotten upset with her cat, Murphy, and threw him against a wall because he “wasn’t listening.” Murphy had multiple blood vessels in his left eye that were popped. Wagner immediately took Murphy to the vet, concerned about brain injury. The vet told Wagner that Murphy had a partial retinal tear but did not believe he had any broken bones. The vet visit and treatment came out to approximately $662. Robinson later sent Wagner $420 for Murphy’s injuries. Wagner also said she has text messages where Robinson stated that he threw Murphy into a wall. Officers then obtained warrants for Robinson’s arrest.