Jack Campitelli yells about how “Trump needs to die” after throwing multiple chairs off balcony at JW Marriot

58-year-old Jack Campitelli caused a disturbance at the JW Marriot on 8th Avenue South in the early hours of July 24th. An employee at the establishment, Eric Smith, flagged officers down, asking for assistance with an individual, later identified as Campitelli. Smith pointed him out, and officers noticed he was “flanked” and appeared to be getting corralled out of the location. He added that Campitelli threw at least two chairs off the balcony, so they asked him to leave the hotel multiple times, but he refused. When officers approached Campitelli, he started ranting about Trump and other political figures. Once officers detained him, he tried walking away, so they deemed him a danger to himself and others. After this, the police reviewed the footage showing Campitelli throwing a chair onto the sidewalk, which landed next to the first one he had thrown before running around the property. The chair was valued at $300. While in booking, Campitelli yelled about how Donald Trump needed to die because he was a liar. The Secret Service was notified of Campitelli’s statements. Campitelli was then taken into custody for vandalism, disorderly conduct, and criminal trespass.