Zulikha Hussein Ali refuses to leave Eazy-Tech despite being told multiple times to leave

25-year-old Zulikha Hussein Ali had a domestic incident with her intimate partner, Farsat Galnasky, at his place of business, Eazy-Tech, on Nolensville Pike on July 17th. Galnasky alerted the authorities, telling them that he and Ali had been arguing since the previous Saturday. Then, he added that today, around 11 a.m., she showed up at Easy Tech and refused to leave, so he called 911. When officers arrived, they located her sleeping in Galnasky’s office on his couch. Officers informed Ali she needed to leave, which she disregarded. Then, officers explained through a Kurdish interpreter that she would be arrested if she did not comply. After Ali refused once again, she was detained for the occurrence. Ali was taken into custody for criminal trespass.