#EastNashville Kroger Cashier Arrested for Stealing $2,010 – Cdarria Thompson

Cdarria Thompson, a cashier at Kroger in East Nashville was arrested on Monday on a felony charge for theft / gift card fraud. Per an MNPD affidavit, Cdarria Thompson has been working at the East Nashville Kroger location for the past 11 months. According to Kroger records she began ringing up giftcards on her register, generally for $25 each, and activate it, but never put any money for it in her register, giving her a gift card with $25 of value, but the store never got paid for it. Since November…

Kroger’s Star Employee Robs Them Blind | Antoinette Bradley Arrested.

Antoinette Bradley was recently selected by Style Blueprint magazine as one of four ‘Faces of Kroger’ in a piece highlighting great Kroger employees that you instantly recognize and their personal profiles. What no one would realize until now, is that in the past five months, she cancelled 585 cash transactions on the register, and pocketed the $8,632.76 for herself. It’s unclear why Kroger’s internal systems did not catch such a large amount of cancelled cash transactions, but she played the system since 08/20/17 with this scam of her employer. According…

ARREST: Matthew Turntine Steals $2,115 from Employer, Easy Pawn | Forgery & Theft

Matthew Turntine, an employee of Easy Pawn, was arrested on Wednesday after admitting to internal investigators that he had stolen from his employer, and forged transactions. According to police affidavits, Turntine admitted to an Easy Pawn investigator that he created a fake transaction of $75 in a frequent customer’s name, and took the cash from the fake transaction for himself. For this, Turntine has been charged with Forgery <$1,000. In a second arrest warrant, Turntine admits to taking items from the pawn shop he worked at, and pawning them at…

Cloud IX Owner Erica Fenton Lied Under Oath on 2 TABC Application Documents about Criminal Conviction

The process for getting a liquor license from the TABC requires a lot of paperwork. Including lot of notarized signatures, where you swear under oath, in the presence of a notary, that your signature is indeed you, and that by signing, the information given is truthful. By submitting this incorrect information to the state in order to obtain a liquor license with false information may be defined as the criminal charge of perjury as defined in TN Code § 39-16-702 (2016). On two documents signed and notarized during the application process,…

Dumb Criminal: Robert Kinnaman Deposits Checks from Stolen Purse into his own Bank Account.

Robert Kinnaman was arrested Saturday 12/23 multiple outstanding warrants from 2016 – including two drug possession citations, and a paraphernalia citation – but those weren’t the most interesting. The ‘Theft over $1,000’ charge was the one that screams “Dumb Criminal”. According to the victim, in October of last year she was shopping inside the Rivergate Mall when her purse was stolen. Over the next couple of weeks, Robert Kinnaman (the defendant) deposited 6 checks into his personal Suntrust bank account, that were inside the stolen purse. The checks totaled $1962.00.…

FELONY ARREST: 68yo Socialite Susan Siegel Writing More Bad Checks

In August we told you about Nashville socialite Susan Siegel, 68, who had been writing bad checks around town, and was charged criminally with one for nearly $700 to Woo Skin Care & Cosmetics. That charge was dismissed in October after a couple of court dates, however last night Susan Siegel found herself back in the Davidson County Jail, with her world falling apart around her – all while she serves on community boards, attends the parties with the who’s who of Nashville, shops at stores like she has all…

Starkesha Whitman Cashes Check Twice, steals $1,530 from TN Quick Cash.

Starkesha Whitman was arrested late Sunday night for an outstanding warrant for felony theft, after she doubled her money by cashing her check on a mobile app, and at a check cashing business – getting paid twice. The open warrant stemmed from a May incident, when Starkesha Whitman had a paper check for $1,530.00. She used made a ‘mobile deposit’ of the check, which loaded her prepaid bank card with the cash by taking a photo of the check. Whitman then visited TN Quick Cash and cashed the paper check…

Wolfmilk: Nashville’s Most Unoriginal Clothing Wanna-Be Company

Nashvillian Ashley Wolfe has a dream. A Dream of starting her own clothing brand, a line of goods with her own conceptual brand ‘Wolfmilk’. Over the years she’s dabbled in various tee shirt designs and online storefronts and even got her shop setup on her own domain. The problem? It’s not original. She‘s copying & pasting clip-art from the internet onto t-shirts, and selling them for $28+. The clip-art is either freely available on royalty free sites, and some is even original private works that were used without royalties or…

Amanda ‘Savage’ Johnson Sold Stranger’s Car to ‘Buy-N-Tow’ While Parked on Street At His Home

Amanda Johnson has a long history of selling things that don’t belong to her, generally taken from stores as she shoplifts, or does fraudulent returns and sells the store value cards for cash – but her most recent arrest was for a new method of instant cash – she figured out a way to sell a stranger’s cars for cash – directly from street parking in front of their homes. She simply called Buy and Tow, told them it was her car, and they paid her cash  ($200) and towed…

[HACKED?] Postmates: Customer Data for Sale on the DarkWeb?

Postmates recently relocated a lot of job of their jobs to the Nashville downtown area, as they’ve open up a corporate support office in our great city (with 11 spots still open!). Unfortunately,  we have recently discovered that Postmates Customer data is being advertised for sale on the Darkweb. This includes all account details needed to login ass a customer, and since the majority of customer’s accounts have credit cards attached to them server side, that is all you need to facilitate ordering without knowing or ever seeing the credit…