Erick Flores-Montil punches father in mouth during argument over bills

25-year-old Erick Michael Flores-Montil had a domestic altercation with his father, Gabino Flores-Hernandez, at their Atkins Drive residence on May 19th. When deputies arrived, they spoke with Flores-Hernandez, who stated that Flores-Montil had become upset over bills and money. This sparked an argument that turned physical when Flores-Montil punched his father in the mouth, bloodying his nose. Police were advised by a witness in the house that they had come out after hearing Flores-Montil punch Flores-Hernandez and saw Flores-Hernandez lying on the floor bleeding. The witness and Flores-Hernandez escorted Flores-Montil outside, where they held him until the cops showed up. Flores-Montil was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.