Gabriel Ballesteros punches man in head while drunkenly banging on random doors

34-year-old Gabriel Ballesteros caused a disturbance at an Aaronwood Drive residence on August 8th. The resident called 911, stating there was a male, later identified as Ballesteros, who was banging on his door and acting violently. When officers arrived, they located Ballesteros standing next to two vehicles at another Aaronwood Drive residence. Officers then detained him for the incident. Officers spoke with the complainant, who further explained that he had left his house for a walk and was confronted by Ballesteros. He added that Ballesteros appeared very intoxicated and agitated before punching him in the head.

After this, the complainant said he went home. However, Ballesteros followed him and started banging on his door while talking to himself. The complainant added that he did not want to press charges for the alleged assault. Then, officers spoke with an additional resident, who told them that he had seen Ballesteros banging on his door as well. When the police talked to Ballesteros, they noticed he showed signs of impairment before admitting to being inebriated and having a physical altercation with the complainant. Ballesteros was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication on August 9th.