Ifrah Sultan speeds down Church Street, uses oncoming lane to pass car

23-year-old Ifrah Sultan was observed speeding near 1st Avenue North and Church Street on August 3rd, 2023. Officers noticed she passed another motorist using the oncoming traffic lane, going 45 mph in a 30-mph zone. This prompted officers to conduct a traffic stop on Interstate Drive. Officers cited Sultan for the occurrence that day. Then, after failing to appear in court, Sultan was booked on the citation of reckless driving on June 4th, 2024.

Ifrah Sultan recklessly speeds, tailgates other vehicles in traffic

22-year-old Ifrah Sultan was speeding past another car in the heavy rain and traffic at the Church Street and Interstate Drive intersection on the morning of August 3rd. She was also observed tailgating and going 45mph in a 30-mph zone. Sultan was booked on a citation for reckless driving on December 14th.

Ifrah Sultan charged after reckless driving in downtown Nashville

22-year-old Ifrah Sultan reportedly drove recklessly on 1st Ave. and Church St. on August 3rd. Police noticed her drive into the oncoming traffic lane during dense traffic and while it was raining. Immediately following that, she was seen tailgating another vehicle at around 45 miles per hour when the posted speed limit was 30 miles per hour. She qualified for a citation due to her having no outstanding warrants or failure to appear. She was booked on the charge of reckless driving on August 29th.