Samuel Keener shatters roommate’s window, tells her mother “I am going to f*ck her up!”

31-year-old Samuel Keener was involved in a domestic altercation with his roommate, Isabella Burks, while at a Tennessee Avenue residence on August 9th. Burks reported that when she got home from work, Keener was inside the apartment and was loading a firearm. She alleged that after Keener finished loading the gun, he waved it in the air to make sure she saw it and smiled. After this, Burks says Keener started fighting with another person inside the residence. When Burks and her friend tried breaking up the fight, Keener began walking in and out of the apartment while yelling and screaming at the man and Burks. Keener then allegedly started screaming, “I am going to kill you,” towards Burks before yelling at Burks’s mother and saying, “I am going to f*** her up; you are going to have to call an ambulance.”  Keener then allegedly left the residence, and when he returned, he found out that Burks had locked the door for her safety. Keener then threw an object at the window and shattered it. Burks alleged she was in fear of injury during the entire incident. Keener would not make any statements about the threats he made towards Burks. Officers deemed Keener to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.