DUI: Jacob Hooper speeds down Ellington Parkway south at 81 mph, says he was following the flow of traffic

27-year-old Jacob Hooper was observed speeding in his black Hyundai Sonata down Ellington Parkway South near Mile Marker 12.2 around 11:38 p.m. on July 13th. Officers noticed him going 81 mph in a 55 mph zone and conducted a traffic stop on Douglas Avenue. During the traffic stop, they discovered Hooper reeked of alcohol and exhibited signs of intoxication. Hooper stated that he did not realize he was going that fast and believed he was following the flow of traffic. Hooper then further explained that he had been coming from a friend’s house off Rivergate Parkway, where he had two Jell-O shots and smoked a THC vape. Then, he consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and, after being informed of implied consent, agreed to provide a blood sample. After being transported to St. Thomas Midtown Hospital, Hooper was taken into custody for driving under the influence on July 14th.