James Goodwin throws trash at roommate during argument over cleanliness

52-year-old James Goodwin had a domestic incident with his roommate, Michael Jackson, at their Quail Valley Road residence on May 20th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Jackson, who stated he and Goodwin had argued over him not discarding the cardboard and plastic food containers. During the argument, Goodwin threw the trash at him, hitting his leg and placing him in fear. Then, Goodwin told police that while arguing over the house’s cleanliness, Jackson threw a cardboard pizza box at him. This prompted Goodwin to throw the rest of the trash upstairs, adding that he did not intentionally throw it at Jackson but in his direction, trying to get him to clean it up. Goodwin then denied the trash ever hit Jackson. Jackson’s intimate partner, Franklin Arita, witnessed the occurrence and advised officers that he observed Goodwin throwing trash at Jackson and the bathroom door. Goodwin was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for domestic assault.