James Bodell punches security guard at Chief’s on Broadway, tells police he “didn’t do anything”

41-year-old James Lawrence Bodell fought with security, Bruce Attwood Young III, at Chief’s on Broadway late May 21st. Young III spoke with officers, advising that Bodell tried to enter the bar after being refused entry. Young III then pushed Bodell to get him away from the door. Bodell responded by punching him in the face before being restrained on the ground. Bodell told police that he was going to the restroom when security “punched” him and that he “didn’t do anything.” Officers noticed Bodell reeked of alcohol, had a scrape on his knees, and showed signs of impairment. Officers deemed him unable to care for himself and detained him for the incident. Bodell was taken into custody for public intoxication and assault on May 22nd.