James Jones inappropriately touches ex-wife, breaks her phone while she calls police

41-year-old James Anthony Jones had a domestic incident with his ex-wife, Jasmine Shadelle McClure, at their Hamlet Hill Drive residence late May 6th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with McClure, who stated she had been living with Jones for a month. Then, McClure said, while she was in the kitchen, Jones came up behind her, trying to make sexual contact with her. In response, McClure told him she did not want to do that, which sparked an argument. McClure said she went upstairs to grab her son’s phone, returned downstairs, and called 911. After she told Jones she was on the phone with the authorities, he took the phone out of her hand and threw it on the ground, causing it to shatter. McClure went back upstairs, called the police on another phone, and then told them she did not wish to prosecute him for the incident. When officers spoke with Jones, he stated there was no attempt at any sexual contact. Then, Jones admitted to getting angry after finding out she was talking to the police. James said he grabbed her phone and threw it on the floor because of this. Jones was taken into custody for interference with a 911 call on May 6th.