Jaylin Woods breaks into ex-girlfriend’s home after she breaks up with him.

19-year-old Jaylin Martese Woods was taken into custody for aggravated assault and aggravated burglary on May 21st. On May 18th, deputies were called to a Brentwood Oaks Drive apartment, where they spoke with the residents, Woods’ ex-girlfriend, Olivia Grasman, Kenzie Trojan, and an unidentified juvenile male, who were involved in the incident. Grasman advised them that she had broken up with Woods earlier that morning and that he showed up at her residence with two of his friends, “Vel” and an unknown male, causing a disturbance. The men banged loudly on the door before kicking it in and taking it off the hinges, causing Grasman to fall onto the ground. When Woods was inside their unit, he started chasing after the juvenile male, who told officers that while he held the bathroom door shut, Woods punched a hole through it. As Woods did this, he attempted to strike the juvenile male, leaving a scrape on his left arm. Then, Grasman said, “Vel,” and Woods reentered the living room, refusing to leave, so she punched Woods in the head. Woods immediately responded by slapping her in the face, which knocked her to the ground. Woods then punched her as she tried to stand up. Trojan told the police that she picked up a piece of the wooden doorframe and chased Woods out of their home, trying to hit him. However, Woods took the wooden piece from Trojan and started hitting her repeatedly on her head and face, which she was bleeding from. Then, a witness, Julio Guzman, stated he overheard the sounds of Woods breaking into the apartment and observed him hitting Trojan outside in the apartment lot. A warrant was issued for Woods’ arrest, and he was later detained for the occurrence.