Drunken Canadian Jessey-James Holdsworth jailed in downtown Nashville after shaking woman

36-year-old Jessey-James Holdsworth was seen visibly intoxicated and shaking a woman at the Moxy Hotel in downtown Nashville on June 28th. When the officers arrived, they saw a large crowd outside the hotel. Upon investigating, officers noticed Holdsworth behaving aggressively, shaking, and yelling at a woman. Officers attempted to separate the two. However, Holdsworth continued to pursue the unidentified woman. Officers attempted to detain Holdsworth, but he continued to argue and pulled his arms away when officers grabbed them. After eventually being detained, he told officers that the woman he was talking to had stolen money from his back pocket while he was using the bathroom on the sidewalk corner.

While Holdsworth was speaking, officers noticed the strong smell of alcohol emanating from his breath and other signs of intoxication. Officers also noticed Holdsworth inability to maintain his balance when standing up. When the officers informed Holdsworth that he was under arrest, he began to resist even more, and they had to practically carry him to the patrol car as he would not move anymore. Once at the car, Holdsworth refused to get inside and demanded his rights were read to him through his phone camera. Officers had to assist Holdsworth into the backseat to place him inside the patrol car because he refused to get in on his own. Holdsworth was then transported and charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication.