Nathan Reeder booked for drinking after doing donuts in 7/11 parking lot with friends on Broadway

19-year-old Nathan Reeder and his unidentified friends were observed doing donuts in the 7/11 parking lot on Broadway Avenue late May 17th. Officers discovered multiple individuals in the group were intoxicated and under the age of 21. Officers conducted a traffic stop and called Reeder’s name about four times before his friends snapped their fingers in Reeder’s face to get his attention. Reeder showed signs of intoxication as he finally realized officers were talking to him. As officers spoke with Reeder, he seemed to fall asleep during their interaction. Officers allowed him to find someone to pick him up, but his nearest ride was 30-40 minutes away. Reeder was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Jose Portillo sends man to hospital after Bad Bunny concert

23-year-old Jose Portillo had an altercation with Samuel Weatherford near 10th Avenue South and Broadway Avenue in the early hours of May 12th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Portillo, who said he had a heated argument with his girlfriend, Vanessa, while walking on Broadway after leaving the Bad Bunny Concert. According to Portillo, Vanessa pushed him, and he pushed her back.

Weatherford told police that he was waiting for his Uber across the street when he witnessed Portillo hit Vanessa, so he went to intervene. Weatherford said after crossing the street, he could only remember waking up to a bystander holding him. He could not maintain consciousness or his balance, so he was transported to Vanderbilt. Then, officers Mirandized Portillo and asked him about the incident, and he admitted to punching Weatherford. Police observed a cut with light bleeding on his right knuckle. Portillo was then taken into custody for aggravated assault.

CJ Rogers throws phone at husband’s head during argument over jealousy

38-year-old CJ Rogers had a domestic incident with her husband, Kenneth Rogers Jr., at the Westin Hotel on May 4th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Kenneth, who stated he and his wife argued over jealousy. Kenneth stated CJ threw her phone and hit him on the right side of his head behind his ear, leaving a visible lump. Kenneth said he then left the room to de-escalate the situation. Officers spoke with CJ, who admitted to tossing the phone at him, adding that she did not throw it hard enough to cause his injury. Rogers was deemed the primary aggressor and then was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Zachery Thompson found passed out in car at APlus gas station, tells police he was “shooting up”

20-year-old Zachery Braden Shaun Thompson passed out behind the wheel of his pick-up truck at APlus late April 5th. Officers were leaving the gas station when they observed this, so they approached him and noticed his vehicle was running. Officers noticed the gear was in drive, and Thompson’s foot was on the brake. Officers also saw a used syringe, a spoon with a white, powdery substance, and a lighter. Officers put the truck in park, turned it off, and put the key out of reach before alerting additional police officers. When they arrived, they obtained the drug paraphernalia, which Thompson explained he used to “shoot up” before the incident. He agreed to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Officers Mirandized Thompson, and he explained that he picked his buddy up to take him to buy dope. After Thompson’s friend purchased the dope, he returned to the gas station. Thompson stated his buddy then gave him a little bit and left but was going to return. Thompson then began “shooting up” and passed out before his friend came back to the vehicle. Thompson agreed to provide a blood sample and was taken into custody for driving under the influence and the unlawful use of drug paraphernalia.

Carley O’Neil found drunkenly sprinting down Division Street, admits to having “a lot of alcohol”

27-year-old Carley O’Neil was sprinting down near 8th Avenue South and Division Street in the early hours of April 7th. Officers observed this and approached her to ensure she was not in danger. As officers spoke to O’Neil, they noticed she was stumbling and slurring her words. O’Neil then admitted to having “a lot of alcohol” and that she was trying to get home. O’Neil could not provide any information regarding where she lived, and the address on her license revealed that she did not live nearby. O’Neil was deemed a danger to herself and others, so officers tried to detain her, and she became resistive. O’Neil was taken into custody for public intoxication and resisting arrest.

DUI: Local DJ Lithideth Sirikoun drives 4Runner onto the lawn of Walk of Fame Park after a night of drinking

36-year-old Lithideth Sirikoun, DJ Disarray, drove his 4Runner over the curb and sidewalk onto the lawn of the Walk of Fame Park in the early hours of April 7th. Officers watched him drive onto the Walk of Fame and turn around towards Demonbreun Street, where he passed out behind the wheel. Officers then approached him and moved him to his backseat, so he could exit the vehicle. Sirikoun stumbled and had to use his vehicle as support to walk. Police tried to question him for his information, but he did not provide it. Sirikoun then told officers that he did not know where he was coming from, where he was at, or where he was going, but admitted to drinking throughout the night before driving. He refused sobriety tests and refused to provide a chemical sample. Sirikoun was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

Angela Coldsnow discharges gun to help man who she believed was being robbed

42-year-old Angela Michelle Coldsnow fired a revolver on March 29th. The police were called to the Central Police Precinct regarding this and investigated as they arrived. Shortly after their arrival, they spotted Coldsnow, who matched the provided description, so they conducted a stop. Coldsnow told officers that she and her son rode scooters on Broadway before returning to their Airbnb. She said when they were on their way back, she noticed a black male and a white male having an altercation. Coldsnow stated that it appeared like the white male was being robbed, so she stopped to help and told them to “Cut it out.” During the altercation, Coldsnow said she and her son were afraid, so she said, “Cut it out. I Have a gun!” Then, when the men continued to scuffle, she pointed the revolver to the ground and fired a shot, causing the black male to flee. Officers detained and mirandized Coldsnow before speaking with the white male in the altercation. The white male stated Coldsnow interjected herself while they were having a heated discussion, which was when she discharged the weapon. Coldsnow was taken into custody for reckless endangerment.

DUI: Lucas Mann has 3-5 drinks at work before crashing into concrete barrier

42-year-old Lucas Mann was seen crashing into a concrete barrier at the intersection of Demonbreun Street and 9th Avenue North on March 30th. Officers arrived at the mentioned location and made contact with Mann. Officers observed Mann swaying side to side and struggling to stand up. Mann then stated that another driver ran him off the road and caused him to crash. After being Mirandized, Mann revealed that he was coming from his bartending job. Mann also admitted that he had 3-5 drinks. Shortly after this, Mann was asked to perform sobriety tests, which were executed poorly. Mann also consented to a breathalyzer, on which he scored a 0.153% BAC. Lucas Mann was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

Corey Schaefer urinates on himself after walking home from Murfreesboro

40-year-old Corey Schaefer was nearly hit by multiple vehicles as he stumbled across the road near James Robertson Parkway and 3rd Avenue North late March 31st. Officers patrolled the area when they observed him cross the road, disregarding traffic, causing drivers to brake suddenly. They conducted a stop and started questioning Schaefer. During this, they noticed he urinated on himself, which he said he was unaware of. He then told the officers that he was walking from Murfreesboro but could not tell them where he drank earlier or provide an accurate address to get him home safely, giving them the numbers to an address but not a street name. Due to being a danger to himself, Schaefer was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Michael Slavik assaults security guard after not paying tab at Agave Maria, tells him “I am going to smack you”

42-year-old Michael Robert Slavik had an altercation with a security guard, Devin Ray Goodman, at Agave Maria on March 25th. The police were called regarding an intoxicated male, later identified as Slavik, refusing to pay his tab. When officers arrived, they noticed security guards had him pinned down. Goodman spoke with officers and stated that he was called to the bar because Slavik did not want to pay his tab. The supervising security guard attempted to obtain a form of payment from Slavik, who was uncooperative. After being unable to obtain a form of payment, security told Slavik he should leave the property instead. Slavik then left the property but came back a short time later. Security repeatedly told Slavik he had to leave and that if he returned, he would be trespassed. Slavik began to get upset and pushed himself toward security as if he was going to fight them. Slavik told Goodman, “I am going to smack you,” and tried to smack him in the face, but Goodman avoided him. Slavik then asked Goodman’s manager, “Can I smack him?” and then attempted to smack him a second time, but he was able to avoid that as well. Slavik then attempted to punch Goodman in the face but failed. Goodman and the other security guards then pinned Slavik down to the ground due to him fighting back. Shortly after the incident, police arrived and arrested Slavik. Slavik then pulled away from police repeatedly, causing a disturbance, cursing at them, and reeked of alcohol. Slavik was taken into custody for assault, theft, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct.