Aner Bello assaults wife after too many drinks

35-year-old Aner Bello was booked on February 19th after assaulting his wife at their home on Peaceful Brook Drive. When the officers arrived, they spoke with Gissell and Leandro Caroma, who stated that Mr. Bello was drunk and trying to hit his wife, Marie Angel. Marie told officers that her husband had been cheating with another woman, and she told him she wanted him to leave, which made him upset. According to Gissell and Leandro, they plus their uncle, had to jump on Bello when he became irate and charged toward Marie. They, along with several minor witnesses, stated it seemed as if Bello was going to hit his wife. Police determined that Bello was the primary aggressor and placed him into custody.

19-year-old Makayla Driver drunkenly punches mother in head during altercation

19-year-old Makayla Driver was in a group of people that officers observed fighting on Tanglewood Court in the early hours of February 18th. When officers arrived, they noticed Driver reeked of alcohol and was acting disorderly. When officers tried to calm Driver down, she got up and punched her mother in the head. Her mother spoke with officers and refused to provide her personal information. Her mother also did not wish to prosecute for the attack. Driver was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Mylev Davianna Boone slips handcuffs, pushes MNPD officer into wall

20-year-old Mylev Boone was jailed late Friday after an altercation at her home in East Nashville. Someone could be heard screaming for help when officers arrived at the Conviser Drive residence late Friday night. Officers observed the original caller and her daughter attempting to restrain Boone, who was being unruly and threatening. As officers attempted to detain Boone, she became tense and pulled away. She was visibly intoxicated and reeked of alcohol, according to police. She was eventually placed into handcuffs but later slipped them and then pushed another officer into a wall. She was eventually restrained enough to be transported to booking.