Timothy Davis fights girlfriend after she catches him cheating

26-year-old Timothy Davis had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Sarah Bradshaw, at their Arbor Ridge Drive apartment in the early hours of June 10th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Bradshaw, who stated she went through Davis’s phone while he was sleeping and saw that he was cheating, so she confronted him and told him she wanted him to leave. When he woke up, he started yelling and pushing her, which led to a scuffle, resulting in her left hand being bruised. Davis then shoved her down, causing her head to hit a doorframe, leaving a bruise above her left eye. Bradshaw added that she went to the bathroom and held the door shut while Davis beat on it and cussed her out. Officers reviewed footage corroborating her statements. According to Davis, he was drinking and playing his game before he passed out. He claimed that nothing happened. Davis was taken into custody for domestic assault.