Jonathan Kelly smashes iPhone, points gun at man after stealing his bag

34-year-old Jonathan Kelly was seen stealing and pointing a firearm at people at a Church Street Airbnb on July 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Mario Goldthreate. He claimed that he had set his handbag on the windowsill of his Airbnb, and it fell down to the street level. Mario claims that he then observed Kelly run towards his bag, pick it up, and begin walking away. After this, he yelled at Kelly and watched him walk to a bus stop, sit down, and begin going through his bag. Kelly pulled out a firearm and was holding it in his hand as he was arguing with Mario and other bystanders. Teangela Brown, another witness, told officers that Kelly pointed the firearm at both her and Mario. Both Mario and Teangela claimed to have seen Kelly smash an iPhone on the ground, which was also in Mario’s bag. When officers arrived at the bus stop, they recovered the weapon from Kelly and observed video footage that witnesses took. The footage showed Kelly holding the firearm, going through the bag, and throwing the phone in the trash. When searching through Kelly’s property, officers found his bag, which contained various miscellaneous items that could be found in people’s cars, such as women’s jewelry, tools, a cracked tablet, and fire extinguishers. Kelly was then taken into custody for theft of property, vandalism, and two counts of aggravated assault on July 22nd.