DUI: Jose Miranda swerves on I-24 East, tells police he was “just trying to make it home”

54-year-old Jose Miranda was seen failing to maintain his lane on I-24 East on July 14th. Officers observed this and conducted a traffic stop. When officers attempted to approach the vehicle, Miranda started driving again before stopping a few feet from where he was parked. Officers approached the car again and made Miranda roll his window down so they could place his vehicle in park. While doing this, officers observed that Miranda smelt of alcohol and exhibited signs of intoxication. Officers then asked Miranda to step out of his car so they could transport him to a well-lit parking lot. Once there, officers asked Miranda to perform sobriety tests, which he consented to. Miranda then admitted that he had two beers and was “Just trying to make it home.” Miranda also informed officers about an injury to his leg. Miranda showed multiple signs of impairment, so he was taken into custody. While in custody, officers found that he had no driver’s license and identified him by his passport. Miranda was transported to booking and charged with driving under the influence and driving without a driver’s license.