DUI: Juan Smith scores 0.215% BAC after falling asleep on I-440 East, tells police he’s “Not in Clarksville”

30-year-old Juan Smith was observed sleeping behind the wheel of his vehicle with the engine running near Interstate 440 East Exit Ramp to Nolensville Pike around 3:08 a.m. on July 18th. Responding officers located him with his transmission shifted into drive and his foot on the brake. Then, officers noticed he had numerous open alcoholic beverages in the center console and his car door. After this, officers woke him up and had him exit the vehicle. Smith showed signs of intoxication and reeked of alcohol as he told police he was leaving a friend’s house and returning to his Clarksville residence. Smith noted that his residence was about five minutes away. Officers then asked Smith if he knew what city he was in, to which Smith replied, “Not in Clarksville.” When prompted, Smith consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. After being read implied consent, Smith agreed to provide a breath sample, resulting in 0.215 BAC%. Smith was taken into custody for driving under the influence.