Angie Garavito forcefully enters woman’s house during argument with boyfriend

24-year-old Angie Garavito refused to leave Maria Fernanda Gomez-Mancilla’s Hickory Hollow Parkway residence on May 18th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Gomez-Mancilla, who stated that Garavito had entered her home and would not leave, adding that this had been an issue in the past. Garavito walked up to officers, telling them that she and her boyfriend argued, and he left to come to Gomez-Mancilla’s home, so she went there to confront him. During their interaction, officers noticed Garavito reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication before admitting to having “5 beers.” Garavito was deemed a danger to herself and was taken into custody for criminal trespass and public intoxication.  

Tyler Burnett assaults girlfriend on Old Franklin Road

32-year-old Tyler Burnett had a domestic incident with Nadai Shann at their Old Franklin Road residence on May 9th. Around 11:00 p.m. on May 10th, Shann alerted the authorities, advising them that Burnett pulled her off the couch and dragged her across the ground before pinning her against a fence with his left arm across her chest, leaving bruises on her arms and knees.

Officers spoke with Burnett, who had a scratch on his nose, which he initially said had come from work. They noticed he had a bite mark on his left forearm, which Shann told them had come from her biting him while he had her pinned against the fence. He was deemed the primary aggressor, and under Miranda, he told them that the cut on his nose came from Shann hitting him with a PlayStation. Officers investigated and found the PlayStation in the house, undamaged and plugged into the wall with dust on it, appearing as if it had not been moved recently. Burnett was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

Kevin Luna points gun at woman while stealing a wheel off her Infinity Q50

18-year-old Kevin Luna was one of several people attempting to take one of the wheels off Breanna Contreras’s Infinity Q50 at her Bridgeway Circle unit on May 6th. Contreras’s boyfriend, Jesus Chavez, observed them and two vehicles, one a red sedan and one a black Infinity Q50. Chavez woke Contrera, and she went outside to start filming the occurrence. Chavez called the police while she recorded them, during which Luna noticed her and began pointing his handgun at her. She stated she heard him saying something to her but was afraid to get any closer due to him having a gun. She added that she had not returned inside until Luna started pointing a laser at her. After several minutes, the red sedan drove away while Luna removed Contreras’s wheel before aiming his handgun at her, firing multiple times, and driving away in his black Infinity. Police got the tag from his vehicle as he left the scene. Officers responded to the registered Murfreesboro Pike address, where they heard him approaching due to the flat tire, and conducted a traffic stop as he pulled in. When officers searched his vehicle, they discovered her wheel in the trunk with a box for a 9mm Glock pistol consistent with the 4 9mm casing recovered at the scene. Luna was then taken into custody for aggravated robbery.

DUI: Raul Rizo blows .196% BAC after driving into police car

23-year-old Raul Rizo was seen sleeping in his vehicle, which was stopped in the middle of the road near Antioch Pike on April 29th. When officers arrived, they approached Rizo’s vehicle and noticed open beer bottles with liquid inside them. Officers told Rizo, who was sleeping inside, to turn his vehicle off numerous times, but he did not hear them. Rizo then woke up and drove into an officer’s vehicle. Rizo continued to keep his foot on the gas, causing even more damage. Officers proceeded to break the passenger side window of Rizo’s car and pulled the keys out of the ignition. Officers then placed Rizo into custody and learned Rizo was sleeping at the wheel. Officers noticed he had many signs of impairment, including bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, as well as having an extreme odor of alcohol. Rizo agreed to do a breath sample and blew a .196% BAC. Officers questioned Rizo, who stated that he had ten beers before beginning to drive. Officers received Rizzo’s information and found that Rizo did not have a valid driver’s license. Rizo was charged with DUI, No driver’s license, Vandalism, evading arrest, and open container violation.

Jose Romero threatens man who owes him $3,000 with knife, demands they go to bank

24-year-old Jose Romero had an altercation with Nicolas Garcia-Perez at his Tusculum Road residence late March 23rd. Garcia-Perez spoke with officers when they arrived, advising that he owed Romero $3,000. Garcia-Perez advised that Romero showed up at his house with his girlfriend and mother and started to be verbally aggressive with him. Romero said he wanted Garcia-Perez to pay the money he owed him. Romero then pulled out a knife, demanding Garcia-Perez take him to the bank to get the money. Officers spoke with a witness, who stated they observed Romero pulling out the knife and throwing it in the back of Garcia-Perez’s car when he heard that the police were on the way. Garcia-Perez told them where it was, and officers found the 8-inch kitchen knife. Romero was taken into custody for aggravated assault on March 24th.

Myles Hamilton caught drunkenly banging on apartment doors, tells police “I got beat up”

25-year-old Myles Hamilton was banging on multiple 400 Herron Drive apartment doors on March 10th. When officers arrived, two females stood on the second-floor balcony, pointing at Hamilton, stating, “That is him.” Officers approached and asked Hamilton what had happened, and he told them, “I got beat up” and “I lost my key,” but would not explain any further. During this, officers noticed Hamilton showed multiple signs of intoxication. Hamilton then tried to walk away from officers, so he was detained. While in the backseat of the patrol car, officers asked if Hamilton had been drinking, to which he replied, “Yes, wait, no.” Hamilton told officers that his upstairs neighbor was making too much noise, so he went to confront him. Several witnesses told officers that Hamilton had been banging on multiple doors. Hamilton was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

DUI: Zeckary Smith found stuck on train tracks after crashing white BMW

28-year-old Zeckary Smith crashed his white BMW onto train tracks in Davidson County, getting it stuck in the early hours of February 4th. Officers arrived and noticed him to be visibly intoxicated when they spoke with him. Smith refused to take sobriety tests or answer their questions. Further investigation showed officers that Smith had a revoked license and a prior DUI from Rutherford County in April 2022. Smith was taken into custody for his second driving under the influence offense and driving with a revoked license.

DUI: Roger Allyn drinks before causing accident in Ford F-150

32-year-old Roger Allyn was booked on December 17th after causing an accident in his white Ford F-150. When officers arrived, they observed Allyn lying on the ground beside the driver’s door. He smelled strongly of alcohol. Once he got up, officers noticed he was unsteady on his feet and unable to perform sobriety tests. He was then taken into custody and transported to booking. While in custody, the defendant refused to talk to police after being read his Miranda Rights and Implied consent. Officers attempted to identify the defendant but could not find a valid driver’s license.

Isaak Helms tells police he helps with terrorist activities against Israelis during DUI arrest

27-year-old Isaak Helms was arrested for driving under the influence and driving with a suspended license on October 19th. Officers were dispatched to Old Lebanon Dirt Rd. regarding a single-car wreck and observed Helms in the front seat of the vehicle in the ditch as they arrived. Helms was visibly intoxicated when speaking with officers as they noticed two empty beer cans in his center console and unidentified pills on the floorboard. Helms consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Officers Mirandized Helms, and then he stated that he drank two beers before driving and that he was traveling 50 mph around a sharp curve, causing him to veer off in a ditch. Helms became extremely belligerent after being put in the back of the patrol car and began to make various racial slurs towards Jews and African Americans. Helms even insinuated that he partakes in terrorist activities against Israelis and made personal insults towards officers. Officers ran Helms’s license, and it came back as suspended.