Lindi Sophabmixay assaults boyfriend after going through his phone & breaking up with him

19-year-old Lindi Sophabmixay had a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Shawn England, on September 3rd. Responding officers spoke with England, who stated that he and Sophabmixay had broken up earlier in the day. He stated this was because she had gone through his phone and found things that upset her. England said that Sophabmixay got angry and pushed him. Then, the police spoke with a witness, who stated that she woke up to Sophabmixay screaming and crying. The witness added that she saw England push her to prevent her from hitting him after she kept charging at him. When officers spoke with Sophabmixay, she denied anything physical had occurred but kept telling them that she wanted to leave. Sophabmixay was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.