Lori Woolbright poops herself in police car after repeatedly telling officers she had to “poopy”

54-year-old Lori Lynn Woolbright caused a disturbance at LaQuinta Inn & Suites on Interstate Drive late May 10th. When the police arrived, she was behaving erratically toward them and the hotel employees as she told them that her boyfriend had stolen all her belongings. They investigated and discovered that she had lost her property. Woolbright had a strong alcoholic odor emitting from her, showing numerous signs of intoxication, so they tried to get her to stay in her room. However, she refused. Then, she was detained due to being a public annoyance. While in the patrol car, she kicked the rear right window, causing it to get off-track. Then, on the way to booking, she repeatedly stated she had to “poopy.” When officers told Woolbright they were just down the road, she had already defecated herself, leaving remnants in the backseat. While she was being processed, she sat down on the bench inside the sallyport and left feces on it. Woolbright was taken into custody for two counts of vandalism of government property and public intoxication.