Maghan Brown jailed after falsely claiming someone was stabbing people at 505 High Rise Condominiums

38-year-old Maghan Brown called 911, stating there was an active aggressor at the 505 High Rise Condominiums on Church Street late July 11th. Brown advised that there was an individual stabbing people in the lobby. When officers arrived, they spoke with the staff, who told them there had not been an incident at their location. Officers searched the surrounding areas and canceled their request for medics. Then, dispatch called Brown and learned she was near Rosa L Parks Boulevard and Monroe Street. Officers then spoke with Brown, who stated that she received a call that there was a man at 505 High Rise stabbing people. When officers further questioned her, she became incoherent and erratic, with her speech and story not making sense, so they detained her. While on the way to booking, Brown told officers that she had called 911 to get psychological treatment from a hospital. Brown was then taken into custody for falsely reporting an emergency on July 12th.