Nevaeh Ayers smacks & punches roommate during argument over items in their apartment

20-year-old Nevaeh Ayers had a domestic altercation with her roommate, Mason Davis, at his Arbor Creek Way apartment around midnight on May 8th. Davis alerted the authorities, advising them that he and Ayers had been roommates for two months. Davis added that she attacked him and tried stealing his belongings before leaving. When officers arrived, they noticed Davis had multiple visible injuries on his chest and arms. Davis then explained that Ayers started to argue with him over certain items in the apartment, so he decided to lock himself in his bedroom to avoid further conflict. Then, he said, Ayers entered his room through their shared bathroom. Davis said she then started smacking and punching him. Davis told officers that he had to grab Ayers by the waist, pull her out of his room, and lock the bathroom door before calling the police. Officers deemed Ayers the primary aggressor and obtained a warrant for her arrest. Ayers was taken into custody for domestic assault on May 19th.