Matthew Tepper breaks girlfriend’s window after altercation

28-year-old Matthew Tepper vandalized his girlfriend, Athena Hiles’ Brittany Park Drive residence in the early hours of June 24th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Tepper, who stated he was visiting Hiles and left following a physical altercation. Tepper added that Hiles told him he needed to leave, which he did, but shortly after leaving, he returned and threw an unknown object at her window. Tepper was then taken into custody for vandalism. Hiles was charged with domestic assault.

Athena Hiles scratches boyfriend several times after he became “rowdy” after concert

45-year-old Athena Hiles had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Matthew Tepper, at her Brittany Park Drive residence on June 24th. When officers arrived, Tepper told them that he and Hiles had gone out to a concert earlier in the night, where they had been drinking. Then, he stated when they returned home, she had become verbally aggressive with him “for no reason” and grabbed his left arm, leaving visible scratches. After Hiles grabbed his arm, she tried to grab his neck but missed, leaving more scratches. When officers spoke with Hiles, she told them that after they returned home, Tepper was being “rowdy,” so she asked him to leave, but he refused. Hiles stated that she didn’t grab his left arm but that she grabbed his left shoulder and dug her nails into it. Hiles was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault. Tepper was arrested for vandalism.