DUI: Michael Singelyn drinks handle of Taaka Vodka before passing out in his Hyundai Sonata

22-year-old Michael Singelyn was observed sleeping in his Hyundai Sonata at Cane Ridge Park around 1:38 a.m. on May 21st. Officers noticed the car’s engine was still running as they approached it. Officers spoke with Singelyn, who advised them that he had been drinking but did not specify how much. Officers had him exit the vehicle, during which he stumbled and reeked of booze before saying he had bought a “handle of vodka” and had been drinking that, adding that it was still in the car. Officers later found a nearly half-empty 1.5 liter of Taaka Vodka in the backseat and asked him to perform sobriety tests. Singelyn consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Afterward, Singelyn told officers that he was “passed out drunk” in his car and was “too intoxicated to drive,” so he stopped at the park to sleep. Additionally, he stated he was “drunk” and was about to throw up repeatedly. Singelyn refused to provide a chemical sample and was taken into custody for an implied consent violation and driving under the influence.