Na’Quae Daniel damages boyfriend’s car with screwdriver during argument

27-year-old Na’Quae Daniel had a domestic incident with her boyfriend, Sigmund DeJuan Gordon Jr., at the Dew Street Parking Garage on August 12th. When the officers arrived, they spoke with Daniel, who stated that she and Gordon Jr. had been at a movie theater. She stated that they then got into an argument. Then, they both returned to their residences, which are in the same apartment building. When they got there, Daniel told police that Gordon Jr. began chasing her, which forced her to use a screwdriver to defend herself.

However, Gordon Jr. told the police that Daniel approached his vehicle with a screwdriver. He stated she then attempted to use it against him. Then, Gordon Jr. said she started vandalizing his car with the tool, leaving deep scratches in response to him walking away from her. With Gordon Jr.’s help, officers located the screwdriver in the parking garage. Daniel was taken into custody for vandalism.