DUI: Nathaniel Parker crashes car on Knight Valley Drive, tells police “I was at the club”

41-year-old Nathaniel Parker was arrested for driving under the influence following a car crash on Knight Valley Drive on July 20th. When officers arrived on the scene, Parker was behaving erratically, standing in the middle of the road. Parker refused to explain the situation, and repeatedly asked officers to look at his car. Officers then spoke with witnesses who confirmed that Parker was the driver. While speaking with Parker, officers detected the smell of alcohol and noticed Parker’s bloodshot eyes, as well as his inability to stand upright. Due to his condition, officers were unable to perform sobriety tests, and a brief search of Parker found that he also had a leafy green substance consistent with marijuana in his pockets. Officers then proceeded to search Parker’s vehicle, in which they found an alcohol bottle in the passenger seat that still had alcohol inside of it. While in police custody, Parker made statements such as “I was at the club” and told police “aside from being drunk, I did not do anything wrong.” As a result, Parker was arrested and charged with DUI, implied consent, possession of a controlled substance, and having an open container of alcohol in his possession.

Nathaniel Parker assaults roommate for not having job

33-year-old Nathaniel Parker was involved in a domestic altercation with his roommate, Daylan Turrentine, at their Arbor Creek Way residence on July 13th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Parker, who claimed that he and Turrentine had been arguing because Turrentine did not have a job and did not help at all around the house. Parker claimed that he told Turrentine he needed to move out, which prompted the physical altercation. Officers then noticed that Turrentine’s room and bathroom were in disarray, with clumps of hair on the floor. Parker also informed the officers that Turrentine initiated the altercation by pushing him. The officers then noticed that both Parker and Turrentine had missing hair. Officers then spoke with Turrentine, who claimed that Parker had pushed him first. Turrentine displayed a video of the altercation, depicting him walking away from Parker as they argued and Parker pushing him down the hallway. Once the officers viewed the video, they deemed Parker the primary aggressor. Parker was then taken into custody for domestic assault..