Nestory Ibuchwa breaks bathroom door with hatchet, says his mother’s “stomach was hurting”

22-year-old Nestory Ibuchwa had an altercation with his roommate, Anjelani Delfe, at their residence on June 17th. Delfe told responding officers that Ibuchwa tried to break the bathroom door open with a hatchet. Delfe stated that after he opened it, Ibuchwa stated he would kill her and her children, causing her to fear for her life. She recorded the incident and provided officers with footage showing Ibuchwa talking to her in another language while swaying the hatchet. Then, officers spoke with Ibuchwa, who stated that Delfe and her family had treated him and his family terribly. He said he broke the bathroom door down because they had locked it, and his mother had to use the restroom so badly that her “stomach was hurting.” Then, Ibuchwa added that no threats were made, and nothing physical occurred. Ibuchwa was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on June 18th