Patricia Dishman keys woman’s car in Costco parking lot during altercation

70-year-old Patricia Dishman keyed Claudia Russell’s car at the Charlotte Pike Costco on May 2nd. Russell told responding officers that she parked next to Dishman while she had their passenger doors open. After this, Russell said Dishman confronted her for doing this, but she ignored her and walked inside the store. Ashley Bonner, a witness, stated she observed Dishman key Russell’s vehicle and confronted her. Bonner also took pictures of Dishman’s car and tags. Bonner went to the West Precinct to complete a photo line-up. Bonner then identified Dishman as the suspect. Additionally, Dishman was seen leaving the establishment on Costco security cameras. Russell added that her car had $2,000 worth of damage. A warrant was issued for Dishman’s arrest on May 23rd. Dishman was later taken into custody for vandalism on July 11th.