Known Scammer Paul Aniel free on $250 bond after over 140 arrests

Since 2010, 57-year-old Paul Aniel has had hundreds of interactions with police in Middle Tennessee, with over 140 of them resulting in his arrest and over 60 of those resulting in guilty pleas. Despite being at it for 14 years, his operation hasn’t changed much — he parks his car near an offramp and desperately waves his arms to signal oncoming traffic he is in distress. Once someone stops, he tells them he urgently needs money for his fraud of the day. If they refuse to help, he becomes angered, placing several in fear of assault. He even unknowingly flagged down an unmarked police car in 2020. During the last week, Metro police received over a dozen calls that Paul was back at his scam at multiple locations. He was located near Haywood Lane on May 8th but told police he was “just talking to people.” Unconvinced by his excuse and having observed him actively soliciting, officers again took Aniel into custody. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $250, which he paid in cash and walked out the door despite his criminal history. 

Nashville scammer Paul Aniel arrested for 136th time, per police

Metro Nashville Police say 56-year-old Paul Aniel was arrested for the 136th time Wednesday, using his time-tested scam of soliciting passers-by on the roadway as he pretends to be broken down or out of gas. Multiple citizens called in to report he was attempting to flag them down on the on-ramp from 440 West to Hillsboro Pike. He was attempting to wave down a vehicle when officers arrived on the scene. He was taken into custody and charged with soliciting from a roadway. 

Paul Aniel arrested again, after accidentally flagging down unmarked police car to run his scam – then flees from scene

53-year-old Paul Aniel was charged with driving while license revoked, pedestrian solicitation and evading arrest when he dangerously peeled away from officers on the Opry Mills exit ramp this week after unknowingly flagging down an undercover officer with his well-known scam.