Marinda Rich steals 2005 Chevy Silverado, tells police it’s her boyfriend’s truck

22-year-old Marinda Rich was caught after stealing and abandoning a vehicle near a Thompson Place residence on July 20th. Police responded to a call for service regarding a stolen vehicle. When officers arrived, they noticed a black 2005 Chevy Silverado on the scene. Officers ran the vehicle’s information and discovered that it had been stolen out of Murfreesboro. The officers received a description of the women who left the stolen vehicle at the scene. As the officers were recovering the vehicle, Rich approached them and claimed it was her boyfriend’s truck. When questioned, Rich admitted leaving the vehicle there and presented the key to officers. Rich also admitted to being in possession of the vehicle since July 19th. The officers verified that the key belonged to the vehicle. Rich was taken into custody for vehicle theft on July 21st.

“My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding” Star Elvis Boswell fights man at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk

34-year-old Elvis Boswell had an altercation with James Nathan Green Jr. at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk in the evening hours of June 6th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Green, who stated that he and Boswell were drinking and having a good time. After complimenting Boswell’s shoes, he became aggressive and started yelling at him before striking him repeatedly. Officers observed footage of the incident, which showed Green getting hit at least five times before security intervened and detained Boswell. Green sustained a large knot on his head and was transported for further medical evaluation. Boswell was taken into custody for assault.

Edwin Mejia-Alvarez loiters outside Circle K gas station multiple times

36-year-old Edwin Meija-Alvarez and Dakota Lee Baker were loitering outside Circle K Gas Station on Murfreesboro Pike while it was closed in the early hours of March 27th. Officers observed this and advised them they could only be on the property if they were conducting legal business repeatedly. Then, officers detained Alvarez because he had been warned numerous times throughout the weekend and determined his behavior would continue. Officers searched Alvarez and located a metal pipe with burnt residue, consistent with being used as a crack pipe.  Meija-Alvarez was taken into custody for criminal trespassing and the unlawful use of drug paraphernalia.

Kai Hampton assaults 17-year-old pregnant girlfriend and her mother

23-year-old Kai Milton Hampton had a domestic altercation with his pregnant 17-year-old girlfriend, JC, near the Olive Garden on Opry Mills Drive late February 27th. Dispatch advised them that they were in a silver Kia Optima, which officers observed leaving the scene towards Briley Parkway South before following it and conducting an investigative stop. As they approached the Optima, they noticed Hampton and JC matched the description of the two involved in the incident. JC told officers that she and Hampton argued while walking to their car after dinner, during which she lay on the sidewalk, refusing to get up. Then, she said he forcefully picked her up, attempting to take her to the car, so she pulled his hair to make him release her, stating she did not want to be handled that way. Hampton then grabbed her neck from behind with two hands and started squeezing. JC said that this made breathing slightly difficult for her and made her dizzy.

Then, she explained how he had her pressed up against the Kia until her mother, Breanne Gautier, confronted him, causing him to release her. She said she watched him approach her mom and grab her arms, threatening to hit her if she continued to intervene. JC said that things deescalated after she and Hampton got into the car. Gautier spoke to the officers, advising them she had seen him with his hand around her neck, attacking her, so she rushed over there to protect JC. She said it was at this time that he grabbed her by her arms, threatening her and that she was afraid but was not going to back down. Then, after he released her, she got into her car, and they got into JC’s Kia. They went to leave as the officers arrived. Detectives noticed visible injuries that JC sustained during the incident and deemed Hampton as the primary aggressor. He was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault on February 28th.

Matthew Morrow brandishes bow & arrow at stepfather after argument

18-year-old Matthew Morrow argued with his stepfather, Matthew Armstrong, on August 6th. Armstrong told MNPD officers that earlier that day, they argued that Morrow left the house through the garage. He said he thought Morrow had run away but noticed the garage door still open, so he checked it out. When he entered the garage, he saw Morrow with a bow and arrow drawn towards him, then fled for safety. He called the police, and they arrived to see Morrow inside the garage, still holding the bow and arrow. They questioned him, and he stated that he was upset with Armstrong and entered the garage with the weapon in his possession. He cooperated with all demands and excitedly told them he drew the bow on Armstrong. Armstrong told police that he did not wish to prosecute, but the police had probable cause to arrest Morrow anyway for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Jamon Siler found in smoke-filled Jeep with two others and a cornucopia of drugs

22-year-old Jamon Siler was one of three individuals inside a white Jeep Wrangler that were observed to be backed into two parking spots at an airport extended say hotel on Elm Hill Pike in the early hours of Thursday morning. Police described the vehicle as “completely filled with smoke” and, due to drug activity in the area, stopped to ascertain if they were guests of the hotel. As they approached the vehicle, it was apparent the smoke was from marijuana, which was also admitted by all three. Inside the vehicle, officers located a scale, sandwich baggies, tin foil with burnt residue, multiple CBD bags, 230 grams of marijuana in three separate bags, 12 grams of Fentanyl, 2.3 grams of crack cocaine, 8 grams of cocaine, and $3,700 in cash. All three requested their lawyers and were transported to booking to be processed. Officers seized all items, money, drugs, and phones.

Caleb Wilson part of trio found in Jeep “completely filled with smoke” and a lot of drugs

19-year-old Caleb Wilson was one of three individuals inside a white Jeep Wrangler that were observed to be backed into two parking spots at an airport extended say hotel on Elm Hill Pike in the early hours of Thursday morning. Police described the vehicle as “completely filled with smoke” and, due to drug activity in the area, stopped to ascertain if they were guests of the hotel. As they approached the vehicle, it was apparent the smoke was from marijuana, which was also admitted by all three. Inside the vehicle, officers located a scale, sandwich baggies, tin foil with burnt residue, multiple CBD bags, 230 grams of marijuana in three separate bags, 12 grams of Fentanyl, 2.3 grams of crack cocaine, 8 grams of cocaine, and $3,700 in cash. All three requested their lawyers and were transported to booking to be processed. Officers seized all items, money, drugs, and phones.

Tourist Richard Anthony says someone else must have assaulted his girlfriend in their hotel room — #ItWasntMe

Crystal Meyer reported that her boyfriend, 46-year-old Richard Allen Anthony, slapped her and gouged her eye before he left their hotel room at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, where they were visiting from Oklahoma. Metro Nashville Police arrived, and officers documented swelling on the victim, and her eye was red. Officers located Anthony, who told them nothing happened and “perhaps she got into it with someone else after I left the room.” Hotel security checked the cameras, and no one entered or left other than Anthony.

Intoxicated woman wrecks car at police headquarters & urinates on their steps — April Watkins arrested

Metro Nashville Police say 46-year-old April Watkins crashed her vehicle into the concrete outside of MNPD Headquarters, located at 600 Murfreesboro Pike, in the early morning hours of December 3rd. A Metro Security Officer disabled her vehicle so she wouldn’t drive away, and responding police officers found the “highly intoxicated” woman squatting while urinating on the steps of the facility. She was half-dressed with her legging pulled down and shirt half-off, according to a police report. She was so intoxicated that field sobriety tests were unable to be performed, and officers say they found prescribed Hydrocodone in her vehicle during a tow inventory, and believe that could have attributed to the unusually high level of intoxication. Watkins is free on pre-trial release.

Tourist charged with underage drinking on Broadway in downtown Nashville — Lane McAlister

Just before 2 a.m. on a Saturday in October, Metro Nashville Police were approached about a 20-year-old tourist from Arkansas who was openly drinking alcoholic drinks at 312 Broadway. The minor, identified as Lane McAlister, admitted to the underage drinking and was issued a citation charging him with underage drinking at 1:47 a.m. and the officers went about their nightly duties. The district attorney, however, refused to continue the prosecution and nolled the case once he was processed on the charge.