Jada Tomlin breaks boyfriend’s iPhone 13 during confrontation over social media posts

21-year-old Jada Tomlin had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Patrick Pointer Jr., at his Old Hickory Boulevard apartment around 4:55 a.m. on May 9th. Upon arrival, officers talked with Tomlin, who said she was sleeping at Pointer Jr.’s apartment. Jada stated that Patrick woke her up around 4 a.m. and confronted her about a social media post he saw at work. Jada said she was upset, took his iPhone 13 from the bed, and threw it, shattering the screen. Patrick responded by breaking her $5 lamp, sparking an argument where they started pushing each other. Then, Jada stated Patrick grabbed her by the neck and pushed her to the ground. When officers spoke with Pointer Jr., he told them he came home from work and brought up the social media post he had seen. Then, Patrick said she took his $600 iPhone 13 and threw it onto the ground, shattering the screen. Patrick stated Jada then began pushing him several times. Pointer Jr. noted that he pushed her back in self-defense but denied grabbing her neck. Tomlin was deemed the primary aggressor and then was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Nicholas Conrad walks away from DUI crash, asks officers if he can just “sleep it off?”

29-year-old Nicholas Conrad crashed his vehicle on Ellington Parkway early Wednesday morning and then began walking down the roadway away from the scene. Officers located him as they were responding to the call, near Broadmoor Drive & Ellington Parkway. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and was very unsteady on his feed. In his possession, while walking, were not only the keys to his Nissan Versa, but he also brought the owner’s manual along for the walk. Though Conrad refused all field sobriety testing, he admitted he “made a mistake” and asked officers if he could just “sleep it off?”