Sabrina Sparks assaults boyfriend for cheating on her

28-year-old Sabrina Sparks had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Jesse Ramirez, on I-65 North, near Exit 88B, in the early hours of April 26th. Upon arrival, officers noticed Ramirez had pulled off to the right shoulder, where he stated he had just picked up Sparks from her job, “Hustlers,” a strip club in Nashville, and she was “very intoxicated.” Ramirez advised that on the ride, Sparks became upset and accused him of cheating on her.

Sparks started pulling on Ramirez from the passenger seat, jumped into the back seat, and started biting, scratching, and hitting him, causing him to believe he was going to crash, so he stopped the car. He had numerous visible injuries, consistent with his statements, and showed officers a video of Sparks striking him from the backseat. When officers spoke with Sparks, she told them she was acting in self-defense, adding that Ramirez had grabbed her first, and they just pulled on each other. Sparks was deemed as the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.