DUI: Shane Graham crashes into traffic barrier after having 3 mixed drinks at Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa

26-year-old Shane Graham was caught driving under the influence after being involved in a single-vehicle accident against a traffic barrier near Mile Marker 43 on I-24 West on August 17th. When officers arrived on the scene, they found Graham in the back passenger seat of the vehicle and another occupant in the vehicle’s passenger seat. When officers asked who was driving, Graham admitted that he was driving the vehicle at the time of the accident. While Officers spoke with Graham, they noticed he had dilated pupils, watery red eyes, and was swaying while sitting inside the vehicle. Graham was then asked to step out of the vehicle, and when asked what happened, he claimed that he fell asleep while driving back to Clarksville. Graham also admitted to officers that he was coming from Broadway and only consumed two drinks four hours before driving. Officers then asked Graham to perform sobriety tests, to which he agreed. However, Graham performed poorly and showed numerous signs of impairment during the tests. Graham also consented to a breathalyzer and his results yielded 0.178% BAC. While under Miranda, he admitted to drinking three mixed drinks from Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa on Broadway. Graham also admitted to officers that he was coming from Broadway and only consumed two drinks four hours before driving. Officers then asked Graham to perform sobriety tests, to which he agreed. However, Graham performed poorly and showed numerous signs of impairment during the tests. Graham also consented to a breathalyzer and his results yielded 0.178% BAC. While under Miranda, he admitted to drinking three mixed drinks from Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa on Broadway. Graham was deemed intoxicated and taken into custody for DUI.