Vanderbilt University Nursing Instructor Tonia Moore-Davis slams husband’s arm in car door

44-year-old Vanderbilt University Nursing Instructor Tonia Moore-Davis had a domestic altercation with her husband, John Davis, at their Station Four Lane residence on May 29th. When officers arrived, they spoke with John outside their home. He stated that he and Tonia had argued about him wanting to drive his son to eat dinner. John provided officers with a video of the occurrence, which showed the two exchanging words while he tried to put his son into his truck. Then, Tonia jumped into the driver’s seat before slamming the door on John’s arm and attempting to remove their son from the backseat. John alerted the authorities following the incident. Officers reviewed a second video, showing the two struggling over Tonia’s phone. Then, when officers spoke with Tonia, she said she had redness on her arm from John pulling her out of the truck. Officers realized this could not be true due to video footage proving this never occurred. Tonia then changed her statement, stating the redness came from an incident in the garage, where there was no footage. Tonia said she did not want their son in John’s vehicle because he owns a gun and is a “reckless driver.” Tonia Moore-Davis was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.