Thomas Nocito drunkenly attempts to drive random car after telling police he was being followed

60-year-old Thomas Nocito was jailed after showing signs of impairment on August 26th. Officers were dispatched to Sentral SoBro Apartments regarding a possible robbery. When the police arrived, they spoke with Nocito, who said he was driving home from a jewelry store and noticed another vehicle following him. Nocito explained that after he saw this, he parked his car in the apartment complex’s parking lot, where officers found him, instead of pulling into the parking garage. Nocito went into detail, stating that multiple people exited the vehicle that was allegedly following him and displayed a firearm. When the police started questioning Nocito, he changed his story numerous times. Nocito then became upset as officers questioned him and refused to complete a police report. During their interaction, officers noticed he had scrapes on his knees. Police asked Nocito what had happened, and he responded that he had fallen. Officers observed Nocito showing signs of impairment, speaking with slurred speech that was difficult for them to understand. Then, Nocito admitted to officers that he had two shots of vodka a few hours before driving. While speaking to officers, Nocito tried entering the vehicle he was standing next to with car keys that police noticed weren’t for that vehicle. Nocito admitted that the car he was next to was not his and that his car was actually parked in the parking garage. Nocito was then deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication on August 27th.