Marvin Perkins: “I want to f*cking beat his ass” to Ole Red bar employee downtown

34-year-old Marvin Dwayne Perkins caused a disturbance at Ole Red at 5:38 p.m. on June 23rd. Timothy Ray Woodson, an employee at the establishment, flagged officers down and advised them that Perkins tried entering the bar while his left hand was leaking blood, so they asked him to leave. Perkins confronted Woodson and started flicking blood on him, which splattered over his face and shirt. Officers reviewed footage of the incident, which corroborated Woodson’s statement. When officers approached Perkins outside the location, he pointed at Woodson and said, “I want to f*cking beat his ass.” A staff member from the parking garage informed officers that after Perkins had been escorted from the premises, he came up to them requesting to “borrow his phone.” Perkins was then taken into custody for assault and disorderly conduct.